Janie Slater, White Fence Realty

Posts Tagged ‘Dialog in the Dark’

Must “See” Dialog In the Dark

In Around Atlanta on 04/04/2011 at 5:38 am

Can you imagine being blind and living in a world of darkness? Could I navigate my way around and use my other senses to compensate? Could I figure out how to navigate and survive? These are questions sighted people, like myself, ponder from time to time. Frankly, it’s really scary to consider.

dialogue in the dark
Get some friends and experience “Dialogue in the Dark” while it’s here.

For a unique outing that is sure to change the way you see—er, perceive—the world and the way you think about the challenges of people living with disabilities, check out the show Dialogue in the Dark at Atlantic Station. There are 5 dates remaining.

Monday April 25 / All Day (12:00pm – 5:00pm)

Tuesday April 26 / All Day (12:00pm – 5:00pm)

Wednesday April 27 / All Day (12:00pm – 5:00pm)

Thursday April 28 / All Day (12:00pm – 5:00pm)

Friday April 29 / All Day (12:00pm – 8:00pm)

“Visitors are led through a pathway by blind or visually impaired guides. Within the pathway it is totally dark and the only way to experience the everyday environments simulated within the pathway is through senses other than sight. Totally dependent on their guides, the exhibit encourages visitors to reflect on the lack of sight and the social barriers it can create.” (from goldstar.com website)

Goldstar offers discounted tickets to the event. Simply sign up at Goldstar.com and purchase tickets for $12.96 instead of the full price of $25.92.

Dialogue in the Dark is located at the Premier Exhibition Center at Atlantic Station(265 18th Street Atlanta, GA 30363)

Experience the intense sensation of moving about in the world without sight. And gain new empathy for those for whom this is life.

photo: dialogue in the dark