Janie Slater, White Fence Realty

Archive for 2012|Yearly archive page

Not Ready for Peachtree Road Race

In Around Atlanta, My Life on 06/18/2012 at 3:35 pm

Peachtree Road Race logoI have dropped the ball in training for the Peachtree Road Race this year. I was walk/running and doing the elliptical machine at the gym regularly until mid April. My Dad died. That’ll do it. All the anguish, and plans/arrangements, family needs. So the training virtually stopped for about 3 weeks. But I’ve managed to kinda sorta find ways to exercise regularly by walking/jogging the dog, cycling, and getting back into some 2-3 mile jog/walks.

How about you? Are you running the Peachtree Road Race and not really ready? PLEASE share your lamentations so I know I’m not alone! What are you doing to get ready in record time?